
Special Hauling PermitsHide

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    • New Annual / Blanket
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      This includes movement of Construction Equipment, Boat, Farm Equipment and Manufactured Buildings.

      No Blanket permit will be issued for any vehicle and load that exceeds any of the following: 120,000 pounds, 12'-0" in width, 13'-6" in height or 86'-0" in length.

      The permit is issued to the truck or commercial tractor. When indicated on the application, various trailers may be used. On overweight configurations, the trailers must be identical as far as number of axles, axle spacing, axle weight

    • Superload
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      Over 120,000 pounds

    • Continuing (90 Day)
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      The Continuing (90 day) permit provides for movement of a specific vehicle and
      load(s) over the same specified route within a 90 calendar day period. This includes OS/ OS /OW and International Container.

    • Single Trip OSOW
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      The trip permit provides for one movement of one vehicle and load(s) over one specific route within a 5 calendar day period.

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